Purpose: This curriculum is designed to provide skills and knowledge to prepare the student to take the certification test for becoming a certified Nurse Aide in Virginia.
Occupational Objective: Upon completion of this curriculum and certification by the Virginia Board of Nursing, individuals will be eligible for employment in a variety of health care settings.
Admission Requirements: All students will be required to demonstrate college readiness through assessment and/or transcript review and may be required to take placement tests in math, writing, and reading to aid in placing students in the appropriate courses. Admission requirements include high school graduation or GED, demonstrated competency in Math (MTE 1 -MTE 2 ), and be ENG 111 eligible. Students who desire progression into any other advancing levels of nursing must take MTE 1 -MTE 5 . Students who do not meet required placement levels must enroll in developmental studies courses, in addition must have completed SDV 100 and ITE 115 prior to registering for HCT courses.
A prospective student with a felony/misdemeanor conviction needs to see the HCT course instructor/program advisor. Certain convictions will prevent an individual from being certified as a nurse aide in Virginia and other states. The program requires additional expenditures for the student’s health assessment, immunizations, urine drug screen, criminal background check, student liability, uniforms, supplies, and equipment, which are required for clinical assignments in HCT 101 and HCT 102 . Prior to the onset of the first clinical session, the student must provide criminal background check.